Snow, snow, and then more snow. We had no snow all through November and then it hit us sooooo hard. Spokane has been closed. Seattle is paralyzed. My little school, however, is like the Little Engine That Could. We didn’t miss a day. We even had our Winter Program. I expected a poor turnout, but basically everyone was there. Up here, we are used to crappy roads and snow.
It is hard though, so relentless. They have broken records for all time in Spokane. And the snow only lets up when it gets cold enough to freeze your nose shut in the first inhale. It was -15 yesterday in Spokane, with wind chill, -23. I think it was even colder up here. Today it is ‘warmed’ up to almost 0, so now we have snow falling again!
That was one of the reasons I hated living in Montana. It was as cold as -40 in winter, with constant wind. The snow would blow over the road and get as hard as concrete. You would have to bash through to drive anywhere. Everyone had engine heaters and cars had to be plugged in 24/7 if you had a prayer of getting it started.
So I am hiding inside, waiting for a break in the weather. School got out last Friday so I have no place to go. Happy for that! I need a haircut, but it will wait. My friend was going to Hawaii and the Spokane airport was closed, so it got cancelled. What an awful end to their plans. Good year to have no travel plans. I plan to eat too much, drink too much, watch movies and read, play games with the family, and keep warm.
This is a tree outside my window: