Sunday, October 12, 2008

I think I need to Vote

Boy, am I ticked! The right wing media shriekers are yelling about the Sarah Palin cover on Newsweek. Claiming the magazine chose a bad pic on purpose. I subscribe to Newsweek. I saw the cover before I heard about the controversy. I thought she looked good on it. She is clearly dressed up/ made up for the public. When I went back after hearing the nasty noise, I see the same. She is close up for the cover. I can barely make out some mustache hairs (Oh, my god! The infamy!) There is a small mark on her nose (so unlike everyone else!)

So, don’t the raving fools have any clue about journalistic ethics? Newsweek is not a women’s mag, nor an entertainment rag. They can’t alter pix. Where would you draw the line? Can you airbrush out a gun in the wrong hand? Add a missile that isn’t there? Change the appearance of a president that is ailing? Of course not.

Another distraction from the losing side coming in the beginning of November. They know they don’t have a leg to stand on. The economy disaster can find it’s roots in Reaganism deregulation and its final knife twist in Bushism. I know, let’s keep their minds off the economy failing by whining that our vp candidate doesn’t look airbrushed on a cover. Now that’s an important issue!

I could rant some more, but I think I got enough of it out. For now. I think I’ll go watch Jon Stewart and get the real news.