Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Panty Hose Rules

A new fellow teacher and I were at a training for new teachers. I was her mentor to help her on her journey into teaching. Something we heard there has stuck with me for many years. The story was as follows:

A new P.E. teacher went to the faculty lounge every day, and no one would talk to her. Outside of the lounge, everyone was fine and friendly. Finally, one day, another teacher took pity on her (no mentor teachers, apparently). She told her that teachers were expected to wear panty hose in the lounge. Being a P.E. teacher, she had been wearing sweats to the lounge. She began to dress up and all was fine. The moral of the story; there are many rules in societies and groups, that are unwritten, unspoken, but enforced just the same.

I find this to be incredibly true. Being in a new environment; be it a party, in law’s home, work, travel, and so on, there are many rules that no one tells us about; but they expect us to somehow know them. I mean, who doesn’t, it’s so obvious to all of US. Perhaps its roots are in our tribal past/nature as humans.

My most vivid memory like this, in my life, was when I was a teenager and invited to dinner at a friend’s house. Everyone just sat there at the table with the food. I thought they were waiting for me to start, as their guest. I reached for a spoon and they all dropped their heads for grace. I had no clue. My friend hadn’t warned me. He probably assumed everyone knew and did this. I was so embarrassed. My family never did that.

So I guess I would say, be aware, share the rules, and BTW I hate panty hose nearly as much as MS! But that is hardly relevant to this story.


amy said...

Hi, Sunny! I visited your combined blog with Mossy and then I wandered over to this one as well. I'm so glad I did! You are correct that I am on the west side (Bremerton), but we have plans to escape to the east side of this fabulous state as soon as is reasonable. We're thinking Stevens County, but it depends on job situations for my hubby. The Navy brought us out here but now he is a police officer. We are originally from Georgia, but we've been here 6 years and can't imagine going back!
I'm so glad you visited!


Mima said...

Hi Sunny, I hope that I am on the right blog! You are so right about the unwritten etiquette and how easy it is to fall foul of it. Acting as a mentor is a wonderful way of helping to make sure that the new teacher settles in without a problem. There have been times in my life when a mentor would have been nice!