Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama, Lincoln; Lincoln, Obama

Please read this quote:
“The rising intensity of the slavery issue and the threatening dissolution of the nation itself provided Lincoln and his colleagues with an opportunity to save and improve the democracy established by Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, creating what Lincoln later called’ a new birth of freedom.’ Without the march of events that led to the Civil War, Lincoln still would have been a good man, but most likely would never have been publicly recognized as a great man. It was history that gave him the opportunity to manifest his greatness, proving the stage that allowed him to shape and transform our national life.”
Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Wow. That is how I feel about Obama. If he can transform our nation like Lincoln did and fix some of what has gone so wrong, he will manifest his greatness. It is remarkable that she wrote these words over 4 years ago, before all the crises we are in. Before Obama came to the national consciousness. BTW, great book, too! Doris Kearns Goodwin, you rock!


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for visiting me, Sunny..and thanks so much for saying you're glad I'm back to blogging! You're right, I am feeling generally happy about this move. The rawness is easing up alot and I enjoy where we are very much. I am luckily in remission. Hoping you are too.

Your posts always make me think (a good thing!)...Obama is poised on the brink of possible greatness, as Lincoln. Bush stumbled and fell. We are ready for greatness.

P.S. Word verfication is "meness", which I am going to use to whine ..."ME NEXT!"

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. It seems to me that Obama will fall into both categories.
But it will never achieve the level of greatness that I feel about my love for Sunny.
Her support, intensity of love and and insight are an inspiration to me. I hope I can always make her happy.