This is so hard. I keep trying to pull myself up from this situation and then something more happens and it knocks me back down. Why us? Why now? Will it ever stop dumping on us?
On the good side, we have each other. Our love remains strong.
Resiliency is the thing that saves people in difficult situations. Educators have often tried to define it. They can see is when it happens, but fail to know why some people are resilient and others aren’t. I’d like to view myself as resilient. Why am I so? No clue. I do come from a long line of stubborn, opinionated SOB’s. Maybe that is what does the trick?
No, it’s more complicated. I knew a young woman from a truly messed up family. She came to live with us when she had no place to go. She was amazing. She took care of herself. Took care of her stuff. Stayed sober and in school. She never appeared to be an SOB like the ones I know so well.
I have no more answers than the many researchers have. But I know how much I need my resiliency right now. But this element seems to have bypassed my son. He gives up at every challenge. How does one impart this? No answers.
Never give up. This is my motto of the moment.